The Machine Translation (MT) unit of the Digital Industry Center pursues research in the field of automatic translation, both from text and speech, to enable multilingual communication across modalities.

Core Technology Development

Our core activities include the creation of deep learning architectures and methods adaptable to varying contexts and domains (e.g. low-resource and multilingual settings). Our solutions are geared towards different operating regimes (e.g. offline, simultaneous, and streaming) by leveraging the latest technology, including LLMs and foundation models.

Cross-cutting Topics

We conduct fundamental and applied research that focuses on the ethical and societal impact of translation technology, with a long history in the design of evaluation methods, resources and studies that include human participants (e.g. gender inclusive and human-centered AI). We are dedicated to sustainable and trustworthy approaches to automatic translation, including resource-efficient solutions and methods for Explainable AI (XAI).

Industry-oriented Applications

We instantiate our core technology and expertise to meet the demand of specific, application-oriented solutions. Through solid partnership with industry stakehodlers, we create technology supporting a wide range of language professionals (e.g. technology for subtlitling and live intepreting).