Current projects


Within the project, we are involved in “Spoke 2 – Integrative AI” which aims to provide theoretical and experimental evidence of the advantages of Integrative AI.

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The project aims to develop the ‘AI4Culture platform’, an online capacity building hub for the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the cultural heritage sector.

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CINECA ISCRA-B Scalable Computing Project on Models for the Automatic Generation of Interlingual Subtitles

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Closed projects


A project by “Sistema Trentino della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione”

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In the DireSTI (Direct Speech Translation for Interpreters) project, approved by CINECA in 2021 (CALL 24B – 10/2021), we focused on applying speech-translation (ST) technology to the interpreting sector.

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Europeana Subtitled

Tool for supporting professional and non-professional audiences in the subtitling of historical audiovisual materials

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Neotec Smarterp

The goal of the Neotec Smarter Interpreting project was to provide interpreters with the possibility to benefit from suggestions obtained from direct ST models during simultaneous interpretation sessions. Toward this goal, we...

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Project for the development of a cross-border and joint weather forecasting service for the three territories of Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Trentino on a single website.

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Tool for supporting professionals in the subtitling workflow.

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Infrastructure to support the Data Market Place

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Smart Sub tling and Dubbing System

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Translated Sponsorship

We are glad to acknowledge a gift by Translated Srl to Marcello Federico in order to support PhD students working on open source projects during 2016. Funding: Financial gift

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eBay Sponsorship

Our unit is glad to acknowledge a financial gift from eBay Inc. to Marcello Federico for the support to research in machine translation by his PhD students during 2015.

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A neural adaptive machine translation system that adapts to context and learns from corrections.

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MosesCore aims to encourage the development and usage of open source machine translation tools.

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EU-Bridge (Bridges Across the Language Divide)

EU-BRIDGE aims at developing automatic transcription and translation technology that will permit the development of innovative multimedia captioning and translation services of audiovisual documents between European and non-European languages.

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EXploring Customer Interactions through Textual EntailMENT

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Task-oriented search and content annotation for media production

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Automatic translation of bulletins into English, French and German.

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Bringing Machine Translation for European Languages to the User

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Meteo Trentino

Meteo Trentino and FBK started a collaboration in 2009 with the goal of developing a translation system for weather forecast bulletin.

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FLaReNet (Fostering Language Resources Network)

FLaReNet aims at developing a common vision of the area and fostering a European strategy for consolidating of Language Resources and Language Technologies, thus enhancing competitiveness at EU level and worldwide.

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PATExpert (Advanced Patent Document Processing Techniques)

PATExpert developed a multimedia content representation formalism based on Semantic Web technologies for selected technology areas and investigate the retrieval, classification, multilingual generation of concise patent information, assessment and visualization of patent material encoded in this formalism, taking the information needs of all user types as defined in a user typology into account.

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QT21 (Quality Translation 21)

QT21 is a European research and innovation initiative to develop improved machine translation models for challenging languages and scenarios, focusing on scalability and minimizing reliance on data, while incorporating continuous learning and evaluation guided by human translators.

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Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Translation

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PF-Star (Preparing Future Speech Translation Research)

The PF-STAR project intended to contribute to establish future activities in the field of multisensorial and multilingual communication (interface technologies) on firmer bases by providing technological baselines, comparative evaluations, and assessment of prospects of core technologies, which future research and development efforts can build from.

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The project EDAMOK (Enabling Distributed and Autonomous Management of Knowledge) aims at promoting a distributed approach to knowledge management

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Developing technology and processes to preserve European broadcast archives.

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CoreTex: Improving Core Speech Recognition Technology

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The project develops and demonstrates an open architecture approach to distributed digital film archive services.

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Trattamento Automatico della Lingua Italiana.

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Fast and Accurate Categorization of Information by Language Engineering

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Our pick of the week by @lina_conti: "Exploring NMT Explainability for Translators Using NMT Visualising Tools" by Gonzalez-Saez, @MariamNakhle, @MeLlamoJamesT, @raheel_qader, @didier_schwab, et al., 2024.

#NMT #NLP #NLProc #explainiableAI #XAI

Our pick of the week by @beomseok_lee_: "DiscreteSLU: A Large Language Model with Self-Supervised Discrete Speech Units for Spoken Language Understanding" by Shon, @shinjiw_at_cmu, et al., 2024.

#SLU #speech #LLM

Our pick of the week by @BeatriceSavoldi: "Rethinking Model Evaluation as Narrowing the Socio-Technical Gap" by @QVeraLiao and @ZiangXiao, 2023.

#Human #HumanCentered #Model #Evaluation #ModelEvaluation #AI

📢Come and join our group!

We offer a fully funded 3-year PhD position with the IECS Doctorate School @UniTrento:

Speech Translation in the LLM Era (Area A6)

⏱️Deadline: August 5th, 2024, h 4.00pm (CEST)

📌Application Details:

#NLProc @FBK_research

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