1 February 2012 to 31 January 2015 - PROJECT CLOSED

MosesCore (Promoting Open-Source Machine Translation) aims to encourage the development and usage of open source machine translation tools. It will achieve this by organising:
(1) Academic workshops and evaluation campaigns in order to publish and compare the latest research in machine translation
(2) Machine translation marathons, to implement the latest machine translation techniques, and to discuss and present recent implementations
(3) Industrial outreach events to provide tutorials and share knowledge on the use of open source machine translation.
MosesCore will also coordinate and support the development of open source software for machine translation, notably the Moses statistical MT toolkit.
This will result in at least three major releases of Moses, one in each year of the project.
MosesCore is an EU-funded Coordination Action, which brings together academic and commercial partners sharing a common interest in open source machine translation

Duration:ย 36 months
Partners:ย University of Edinburgh, TAUS, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Charles University, Capita Translation and Interpreting