πŸš€ We’re thrilled to announce that two of our papers have earned top honors at #ACL2024!

1️⃣ Outstanding Paper & Senior Area Chair Award πŸ₯‡
Paper: “Speech Translation with Speech Foundation Models and Large Language Models: What is There and What is Missing?”
Authors: Marco Gaido, Sara Papi, Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli
Pre-print: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.12025
Top 8% (Oral & Poster Presentations)

2️⃣ Top 8% 🌟
Paper: “When Good and Reproducible Results are a Giant with Feet of Clay: The Importance of Software Quality in NLP”
Authors: Sara Papi*, Marco Gaido*, Andrea Pilzer, Matteo Negri
ACL Anthology: https://aclanthology.org/2024.acl-long.200/
Top 8% (Oral & Poster Presentations)

πŸ” TL;DR? Watch our brief video overviews:
πŸ‘‰ Marco Gaido on β€œSpeech Translation…” [COMING SOON]
πŸ‘‰ Sara Papi on β€œWhen Good and Reproducible Results…”